Monthly Archive: December 2020


To Be a Mother!

No one ever explained that when you are on the path of starting your own family, there are so many emotions, recollections, and influences that arise. From disappointments, fears, happiness, uncertainty, joy, tears, and...


Dear Self!

Dear Self, I love you more than words could ever be written. I challenge you to continue to strive and to love yourself. Appreciate your journey more and more each day. Do not be...



Finding something within Unprecedented times Role modeling strength Inner thoughts of doubt Push through SIS! You got THIS! Seizing the moment To showcase your purpose Less about fear More about faith COMPASSION Like never...


I Am From

I am from music, brooms and dustpans, radios. From the front stoop, upstairs, two doors to my own room, and a backyard. From hot dogs, eggs, and dinner time at the table until I...