Tagged: Inspiration


Women in Power, Empower

The title speaks for itself. I learned this phrase from a highly regarded educator who used this name for an event to inspire young women of color in the community. While I cannot take credit for the words, I can share how it resonates…..


I Need You Now!

It wasn’t enough
To be mommy alone
So indiscriminate, it’s my grandpa as well
At a graceful 83
My peace is shattered
With uncontrollable thoughts
Covid 19’s two for one sentence…


The Worst Panic Attack!

The wind has been kicked out of my chest!
My knees buckled
Trembling nerves
Immediate discomfort to the news I just received
My momma has COVID 19….


Fostering Wisdom

Diligent in her efforts Eager to learn more No matter which doors are slammed She still leaps in faith Always grown before her time Wisdom, compassion, and grace She embodies finer womanhood Empathy and...